Our principal operations are stocking and promoting the Marklin franchise. We stock a range of models and sizes – from the minute Z to the bigger 1 gauge.

Stock Lists are available for:
Marklin HO

Marklin Gauge 1

Marklin Z

and Marklin HO spares

As is usual, should a modeller requires other items not in stock we can order them from Marklin.

You can see the Marklin Feature Channel here.

You can see the Marklin Product Database here.

Marklin 38590

Class Ae 8/14 Electric Locomotive, Road Number 11852


  • Completely new tooling.
  • Highly detailed metal construction.
  • World of Operation mfx+ digital decoder with extensive operation and sound functions.
  • Cab and engine room lighting can be controlled digitally.
  • Additional red authorized running lights can be controlled digitally.
  • Buffer height conforms to the NEM.